Get a greater chance for collaborations, earn money and increase the reach of your content.

And how is this possible you might be thinking? It's simply by creating good and engaging content. All the material that you publish for collaborations via Boostified, the various brands have the opportunity to buy from you if they want to use it for print or web. However, if they choose to use it for social media, it is free for them, allowing them to share your material across all of their social medias which results in an increase in the reach of your content. If the company likes your material, this may also help to raise the likelihood that you will be picked for upcoming campaigns. Simply a win-win situation.

But how do you go about creating great material? Listed below are some tips and tricks on how to think when creating content, both for images and videos. You can use these tips both when creating for collaborations but also for other posts. Enjoy.

Tips and tricks for pictures.

  • Take your photos from different angles and in different environments to then be able to select the ones that turned out the best. This gives you several different options to choose from.

  • Keep it simple. Quite often the best photos are taken in a natural environment and taken spontaneously. It can be from a lovely moment you want to immortalize or an unplanned picture of a good meal. However, it shouldn't just be something quickly thrown together. Put down some time to get the perfect picture. It is also important that in collaborations you should always follow the instructions for how the company wants the picture to be taken. They usually have a plan with the material you create for them and then expect you to generate it.

  • If you are going to take environmental pictures, a good starting point is to focus on the lines in the surroundings. This gives you some guidelines and you can achieve the best perspective on the photo.

  • Daylight, golden hour, or early morning - take advantage of the natural light! Find a nice light and test to see what you like best.

  • Less is more can sometimes be good to keep in mind when editing your photos. It may sometimes only require a little adjustment with the light or contrast for the picture to be perfect. Try to avoid too many different effects and other things that can make the image feel messy or unsatisfying to the eye.

Tips and tricks for reels.

Reels have become a large part of the material published on Instagram, and today it is almost as popular to post a reel as to post a regular picture. Every other post in one's feed is reels and Instagram has even created an explore just for reels. It is simply here to stay. If you are new to moving content, however, it can be difficult to know where to start, so we want to give some tips to start from, and then it's just a matter of testing yourself!

  • We all can need some inspiration and a tip is to go out into the reels jungle to find the content you like. Something to start with is to find trends and be inspired to participate with your own reel.

  • Once you find something you like, save it! Use Instagram's amazing tools to both save reels that inspire you and music or sounds that you want to use. Build an inspiration library to scroll through when you need an extra push when you lack creativity.

  • Humor mostly hits home, so feel free to include it in a natural way in your reels. Maybe an entertaining voiceover or a storytime. Get to know your followers and try to find out what they appreciate and which reels they interact with in general.

  • Dare! Create, publish, create and publish. Test yourself, the more you create, the faster you will get into it and find your tricks to create a good reel.

  • Take advantage of Instagram's various functions when it comes to creating reels, there is a whole lot. There are also certain templates to use to create reels. Spend a little extra time on editing and think quality over quantity.

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