Make something good even better.

Get statistics from completed collaborations.

Did you know that you can find and get access to statistics from your completed collaborations in Boostified's app? This allows you to easily get an overview and summary of how your collaborations have performed and get data about what might be improved and optimized.

You find this under → profile → statistics in the app. Here you can see the number of campaigns you participated in, as well as the combined engagement, comments, likes, and impressions. Remember that this static is only from the campaigns you participate in through Boostified and not static for your entire Instagram account.

Given that this data is a summary of past collaborations, these numbers are dynamic and can therefore both increase and decrease after publishing on your Instagram. But what do these numbers actually mean and how can something good be optimized to become even better?

Understand what the data actually implies in order to optimize.

Your engagement is calculated by adding up the number of comments and likes and then dividing this by your number of followers. This means that there are different factors that play a role in terms of your engagement and, for example, not just the number of followers that determines. It's simply about how much you and your followers and account visitors interact with each other.

Impressions mean the total views on your stories that you receive from the campaigns that request stories. This simply means a compiled figure of the total views you received on your stories. This number can easily be confused with reach, which instead means the number of unique accounts that your story has reached.

Comments and Likes.
Most people have a good grasp of these terms, but in short, this means the comments that your followers and other visitors comment under your posts as well as the likes that your posts receive from the completed collaborations you make through Boostified.

Evaluate, optimize, evaluate, optimize…

  • Evaluate your previous posts and find the ones that performed the best and generate what you want to achieve. Convert and apply this to future publications. A tip is to be present when your followers are present, get to know them, and try to understand why they follow you. Find your winning concept and run with it.

  • However, it is important to remember that your follower does not only want to see the same kind of posts, so create varied content and a tip is to use all of Instagram's different functions. Videos, stories, reels, question boxes, etc. - you name it! Take advantage of all the different functions and tools that Instagram has to your advantage and try it out yourself.

  • Have engaging captions. It is often said that a picture is worth a thousand words, but sometimes it may take a little push along the way. Include questions, open up for discussion, be informed about useful information, have a message with what you publish, and share experiences that touch in different ways. Let your creativity flow and see what works best for you and your followers.

  • Integrate with your followers and others. Reply to comments you receive, comment on posts you appreciate, and follow people who inspire you. Social media is for socializing and finding inspiration, so use it to the max and spread some extra love.

  • Find your niche and keep it static. What kind of account are you and what kind of account do you want to be? Are you interested in cooking? Lifestyle? Sports? Fashion? Find what you genuinely want to talk about, and focus on it.

  • Be frequent. If you only post once a month, your engagement will most likely not increase. Post a schedule for when and how to post. But keep in mind that quality over quantity still is a factum. Put down time in your posts and try to make every post “saveable”.

Keep in mind.

  • We do not accept that you are part of a follow train or likes for likes. Your engagement should be organic. A high engagement doesn't come overnight and taking shortcuts won't benefit you in the long run. Let it take time and slowly but surely build a genuine community of followers.

  • The absolute most important thing; have fun! Don't forget that social media should be fun, and is there to inspire, delight, and meet online. So publish what you appreciate and want to see in your feed, be genuine, and have fun. That will get you far.


What does it actually mean to be verified by Boostified?


If I had lived in Stockholm, I would have been a regular at STHLM Tapas.